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Shamanic Journey Circle: Embrace the Shadow

Friday, July 28, 2023 7-9pm

If we were ALL light, the world would be a pretty milquetoast place. Fortunately, we’ve all got plenty of shadow material to keep things surprising and dramatic. Of course, our shadows tend to develop a mind of their own and control us from below, causing us all manner of character defects and embarrassing behaviors. The harder we fight, the more they seem to prevail. What if we just… embrace the shadow? Join us for three dark and daring shamanic journeys as we plunge into the heart of our personal and collective darkness.

Crystals for Renewal

Friday, August 11, 2023 7-9pm

You don’t have to wait for New Year’s to make a fresh start. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, and anytime is a good time to refresh and replenish your intentions, clarity and inspiration. Sometimes the changes seem slow in coming, however, and demoralization can set in and derail us.

Fortunately… CRYSTALS CAN HELP!!! There are stones which have the power to cleanse our energies, break stagnant patterns, wake up our zest for life, and get us moving in the right direction. Join us as we work closely with six of the best crystals for renewing and revitalizing every aspect of your life.

Healing Qi Gong Classes

Sundays 11am-noon

Healing Qi Gong is a series of flowing, easy movements, postures, meditations and breathwork. It is aimed at gathering and cultivating the radiant life force energy, and works to increase vital energy, health, balance, flow, and well-being on every level of the body, being and spirit. It is similar to Yoga or Tai Chi, and can be modified for any level of physical ability.

Shamanic Journey Circle: Walk Through the Fire

Friday, August 18, 2023 7-9pm

If we were ALL light, the world would be a pretty milquetoast place. Fortunately, we’ve all got plenty of shadow material to keep things surprising and dramatic. Of course, our shadows tend to develop a mind of their own and control us from below, causing us all manner of character defects and embarrassing behaviors. The harder we fight, the more they seem to prevail. What if we just… embrace the shadow? Join us for three dark and daring shamanic journeys as we plunge into the heart of our personal and collective darkness.

Crystals for Confidence

Friday, September 15, 2023 7-9pm

“Those who know don’t speak; those who speak don’t know.” Wouldn’t it be nice to change that? Often, the blessing of awareness comes with the curse of insecurity. If you know you “should” believe in yourself, but just can’t seem to muster the cajones… CRYSTALS CAN HELP!!!

Join us for a much-needed bravado boost, for the people who need it – and deserve it – the most. Yes, that would be you. Six sassy stones will be your cheerleaders, so you can get back in the game. They’ll follow you home to keep the ball rolling, too!

General Class Offerings

Crystal Classes

No matter what it is… CRYSTALS CAN HELP!!!

Each crystal class features six crystals, and how they can help with one specific area of life. Includes a meet&greet with each crystal, information about the stone and its relevance to the topic, and a unique exercise or meditation. Group sharing and discussion is encouraged. Plus, all six crystals go home with you afterward! 

Past classes have included: *Power*       *Love* *Transformation* *Happiness* *Prosperity* *Weight Loss* *Anxiety* *Renewal*

Shamanic Journey Circles

Each month’s circle includes an opening and closing ritual, three 15-minute drumming journeys, discussion and sharing, and personalized energetic support for your process. 

Shamanic journeying is a powerful and transformational way to interact with Spirit, meet your guides, have life-changing visions and multidimensional experiences, dive deep into your subconscious, and transform the nature of your reality.

Healing Qi Gong Classes

Healing Qi Gong is a series of flowing, easy movements, postures, meditations and breathwork. It is aimed at gathering and cultivating the radiant life force energy, and works to increase vital energy, health, balance, flow, and well-being on every level of the body, being and spirit. It is similar to Yoga or Tai Chi, and can be modified for any level of physical ability.

Benefits of Healing Qi Gong can include:
– Relaxed and peaceful state of being
– Focused attention and presence of mind
– Greater fluidity and ease of movement in the body
– Better balance and coordination
– Stronger and more limber muscles
– More energy and better mood
– Decrease in aches, pains and stiffness
– Greater sense of spiritual connection