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Do I Need Prior Experience?

Nope! These classes are extremely beginner-friendly! Besides, I’m a beginner teacher. 🙂 Let’s learn together!

Do I Need To Commit To A Long Course?

Nope! You can take just one class whenever you feel like it! Come back as often as you like, but there is no pressure whatsoever to attend regularly.

What is Healing Qi Gong?

Healing Qi Gong is a series of flowing, easy movements, postures, meditations and breathwork. It is aimed at gathering and cultivating the radiant life force energy, and works to increase vital energy, health, balance, flow, and well-being on every level of the body, being and spirit. 

It is similar to Yoga or Tai Chi, and can be modified for any level of physical ability.
Qi Gong can have innumerable benefits, including but not limited to:
– Relaxed and peaceful state of being
– Focused attention and presence of mind
– Greater fluidity and ease of movement in the body
– Better balance and coordination
– Stronger and more limber muscles
– More energy
– Decrease in aches, pains and stiffness
– Greater sense of spiritual connection